Lakeside Missionary Baptist Church

2308 Main St. (Mail - P. O. Box 42)

Des Arc, AR 72040

Pastor: Eddie Addison Phone 870-256-4603                                                                             Music Director: Dennis Johnson Phone 870-256-4603

April 5, 2009

Pulpit to the Pew

Easter was actually a pagan holiday that was celebrated about the same time of year as the Jewish Passover. The carry over of the fertility god rituals are still evident from this even today. Nevertheless, we do not worship an idol god nor celebrate the Jewish Passover. We celebrate the Son of God who has risen from the dead and is alive forevermore. Be sure to come next Sunday and bring a friend with you. Not for a holy day celebration, for according to the Scriptures, there are none (Col. 2:16) Come to rejoice in the resurrection of our Lord. His resurrection guarantees the resurrection and eternal salvation for all who trust in Him.

Baptism - There will be a baptism service for Sister Nicole and Sister Emilee tonight.

Business Meeting - Our regular monthly business meeting will follow the evening services today.

Budd Creek Special Offering - On the first Sunday of each month we receive an offering for Budd Creek Church Camp. This offerings helps pay the camp fees for our young people every summer. Ushers will be at the auditorium doors to receive offerings from those who would like to give.


AWANA & Discovery

The first night back after Spring break saw 81present for class. Pray for all of our teachers, workers and students as they finish out the semester.

Easter Cantata Presented Next Sunday - Next Sunday morning, April 12th, the adult choir will present an Easter Cantata entitled; "In the presence of Jehovah". Our music director, Brother Dennis Johnson, and the choir invite you to come as we offer praise to God for His risen Son.

Ladies Auxiliary - The ladies will meet at 6:30 PM on Tuesday evening in the fellowship hall. All the ladies are welcome.





Scripture Search - Answers from last Sunday

Scripture Search - Answers from last Sunday

1. What criminal was released by Pilate when Jesus was crucified?

Answer: Barabbas (Matt. 27:17-25)

2. What was Nehemiah’s job in Shushan the palace?

Answer: King’s cup bearer (Nehemiah 1:11)

3. What question did Jesus ask the Samaritan when the ten lepers were healed? Answer: Where are the nine? (Luke 17:17)

Today’s Scripture Search

1. Which Psalm says "the days of our years are threescore years and ten"?

2. How many nights did Nehemiah go out secretly to survey the damage to the walls of Jerusalem?

3. What two things were said to be "rent" when Jesus died on the cross?




Sunday Morning I Corinthians 9:19-27 13th in series

The last few verses of this chapter deal with the self discipline required in the life of a believer. Paul was willing to sacrifice for the benefit of others. Reaching the lost was paramount in his thinking.

Becoming Fit for Service

I. All Things to All Men to Win Some I Cor. 9:19-23

A. Willing to give up personal freedoms & apostolic privilege

B. Jews - them that were under the O. T. Law

C. Gentiles - them that were not under O. T. Law

D. Weak - identified with weaker members of the church

E. All for the gospel’s sake - to be able to share the message

II. All Run the Race I Cor. 9:24-25

A. Corinth had their own form of Olympic games

B. Athletic training requires great personal commitment

C. No real athlete trains just to "get by" but trains to excel

D. Distractions kept to minimum (Heb. 12:1-2)

III. All in the Fight I Cor. 9:26-27

A. Not shadow boxing but a real opponent that hits back

1. Must be willing to take a hit without quitting (Rom. 12:1-2)

2. Strength for endurance is needed (II Tim. 2:3-6)

B. Paul’s personal experience (II Cor. 11:21-33)

C. Striving to remain fit for service (v. 27)

Con. Some may be "castaway" or disqualified as unfit to serve.