Lakeside Missionary Baptist Church

2308 Main St. (Mail - P. O. Box 42)

Des Arc, AR 72040

Pastor: Eddie Addison Phone 870-256-4603                                                                            Music Director: Dennis Johnson Phone 870-256-4603

May 10, 2009 - Mothers Day

Pulpit to the Pew

We find plenty of reason in the Scriptures to call special attention to motherhood. The very first woman was given a name that paid tribute to her as one who would bring children into the world. "And Adam called his wife’s name Eve: because she was the mother of all living." (Gen. 3:21). Jesus sought the continued care of His own mother as He hung on the cross (John 19:25-26). Today, it is very much in order for us to give thanks to God for Christian mothers.


Members Graduating

We would like to list our graduates in the May 24th bulletin. Of course, high school graduation will be the focus but other graduations will also be listed (such as college, kindergarten, sixth grade). Let us know if you have a young person graduating this year. Note: Write down the name as you want it listed, as well as where and when they are graduating. Turn in the information to the office today.







AWANA & Discovery

There were eighty seven present for classes last Wednesday night. We have only one more regular night of classes. We will be closing out the year on Wednesday night May 20, 2009. The service will be in the church auditorium and will begin at 6:30 PM. Everyone will need to pitch in with home made cookies to be served after the program on May 20th.


Wedding Shower

Sunday, May 17th from 2:00 to 4:00 PM






Have a Great Mother’s Day







Sunday Morning Proverbs 31:1-31 Mother’s Day

King Lemuel (This is probably the name Solomon’s mother called him as a child.) relates the teaching he received from his mother. She taught him to avoid the twin evils of alcohol and immorality in the first nine verses. The remainder of the chapter explain the virtues and value of a godly woman in raising a family. The Bible speaks of many great mothers. Today we will look at the extraordinary love of four mothers in the Bible.

I. A Mother’s Prayer I Sam. 1:10-28

A. Samuel’s mother (Hannah) prayed for a child (v 11)

B. God answered her prayer (v 20)

1. Vowed to give him to the Lord

2. Made good on her promise to God (v 28)

C. Loved her child enough to give him to God

II. A Mother’s Sacrifice I Kings 3:16-28

A. Focus of account is on wisdom of young King Solomon

B. Two immoral women gave birth but one child died

1. Wisdom of Solomon knew mother’s sacrificial heart

2. Real mother would do anything to save her child

III. A Mother’s Teaching II Tim. 1:5, 3:14-15

A. Influence of loving grandmother and mother

B. Called by name in Holy Record - Lois & Eunice

C. Taught Scriptures from early childhood

IV. A Mother’s Virtue Proverbs 31:28

A. Value of a virtuous woman is beyond measure (v 10)

B. Long list of her virtues ( v 11-27)

1. She is a family first lady

2. She is self-sacrificing for her household

C. Four that will praise her love & dedication

1. Her children (v 28)

2. Her husband (v 28)

3. The LORD (v 30)

4. Her own works (v. 31)



Scripture Search - Answers from last Sunday

1. Who stole the blessing of Esau? Answer: Jacob (Gen. 27:35)

2. What queen did Esther replace? Answer: Vashti (Esther 2:17)

3. What did Jesus say a wise man would build his house upon?

Answer: Upon a rock (Matt. 7:24)

Today’s Scripture Search

1. What Scriptures record the things that king Lemuel’s mother taught him?

2. What man sought to destroy all the Jews in the book of Esther?

3. What man did Jesus assign to take care of His mother?



A Blessed Mother

Blessed is the mother who cherishes her children

For she shall inherit wonderful memories

Blessed is the mother who comforts her children

For they shall be devoted to her

Blessed is the mother who guides her children in righteousness

For she shall take great pride in their behavior

Blessed is the mother who teaches her children respect

For she shall be respected

Blessed is the mother who is well mannered

For her children shall follow her example

Blessed is the mother who is honest with her children

For she shall be trusted

Blessed is the mother who prays with her children

For they shall pray for her