Lakeside Missionary Baptist Church

2308 Main St. (Mail - P. O. Box 42)

Des Arc, AR 72040

Pastor: Eddie Addison                                                                                                                                 Music Director: Dennis Johnson Office Phone 870-256-4603 Office Phone 870-256-4603

November 1, 2009

Pulpit to the Pew

The annual meeting of the Arkansas State Association of Missionary Baptist Churches will meet at Sharon Missionary Baptist Church in Benton this week. The pre-association meeting will be on Wednesday night, Nov. 4th, at the church. The association meeting itself will take place on Thursday and Friday. This is a meeting for our state churches (we have over 600 churches in Arkansas) but many will be there from other states and even other countries. Please remember the meeting and messengers in your prayers.

Brother Darren Evants will speak here at Lakeside this Wednesday evening. Please remember him in your prayers also.


Budd Creek Special Offering:

This is the Sunday we receive our special offering to help send campers to Budd Creek in the summer. Ushers will receive this offering at the auditorium doors following our morning service.


Ladies Meeting:

The Ladies Auxiliary will meet on Tuesday night November 3rd. The meeting begins at 6:30 PM and all of the ladies are invited to participate.


Welcome New Members

Sister Krissy united with Lakeside church on promise of a letter. Brother Colt and Sister Carson came on profession of faith, requesting baptism. We welcome this family to the fellowship of Lakeside Missionary Baptist Church.


Baptism Service Tonight

Brother Colt and Sister Carson will be baptized during our evening service today.


No Youth Choir Practice Today

Adult Choir Practice at 5:00 PM Today



AWANA/Discovery Report

We had ninety eight present for AWANA and Discovery last Wednesday night. As always, we ask that you pray for our teachers and young people.


Holiday Food Pantry

Lakeside gives family food baskets out for both the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday season. The pantry is not bare but does need certain food items such as flour and meal to be replenished from now until that time. See Sister Doris for more information on the food pantry.


Building Committee Meeting

Work had been suspended, during the summer months, on our Family Life & Education Center (FLEC building). Work on this project is about to resume. There will be a Building Committee meeting (Trustees), after lunch, today to assist in planning the completion of the work.





Sunday Morning II Cor 5:1-8 11-01-09

Paul seemed sure that his life on earth would end before Jesus returned. He looked beyond this life to that which is not seen. He looked for that which is eternal. A home in heaven.

Looking for Home

I. We Know II Cor 5:1

A. There are things you have to know for sure, if you are saved

B. Know that Jesus is the Lord - God in flesh (Jn 1:14)

C. Know that He was raised from the dead (Rom 10:9)

1. Jesus has power over death (Acts 2:24, Jn 11:25)

2. There is no way to be saved without His resurrection power

D. Know that we have an eternal home with the Father (Jn 14:1-6)

E. Paul, tent maker by trade, knew of a more permanent dwelling

F. We can know, if we believe in Jesus as Savior (I Thess 4:14-18)

II. We Grown II Cor 5: 2-3

A. These vile bodies must be changed (Phil 3:21)

B. Outward man will perish, inward man renewed (II Cor 4:16)

C. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Rom 12:1-2)

1. What is on the inside should show on the outside

2. Jesus transfiguration example (Matt 17:2)

D. Spirit is guarantee of the resurrection (Eph. 1:13-14)

III. We Are Confident II Cor:5:6-8

A. Assurance that saved go directly into the presence of the Lord

B. We are at this present time the sons of God (I John 3:2)

1. It does not yet appear what we shall be

2. Confident that we will one day be like Him & be with Him

C. We look not on the things which are seen (II Cor 4:18)

1. Looking past the physical that is now

2. Looking to that which God tells us about in heaven

D. Corruptible will put on incorruption at the resurrection

Con. We are looking at three basic things in this passage...

A tabernacle that will be dissolved - body

A transformation that is yet incomplete - spiritual

A translation that is assured - resurrection